Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Golden Light

12 x 16 Acrylic Plein Aire painting was painted in September, a perfect time to find vibrant color and soft light. While accompanying our oldest son Micah on an archery hunt, I brought my paints and found the afternoon light perfect - Since I had to work fast I was delighted with the way the acrylic paint allowed me to capture this exquisite moment as summer gives way to the fall: as mid day gives way to evening. I too have archery hunted in my past but now I bring home a gentler harvest.


Anonymous said...

This painting is fabulous. The colors and strokes are so vibrant and fresh. There are so many interesting places to look at. Bold.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant. The colors are so bold. There are so many interesting places to look at. Great Plein Aire shows your skills in real life light